Tuesday, November 19, 2013

PAA Take the Gloves Off and Fight Fair with FoK and EP

Now PAA may be easier to use than FoK, but it is it not necessarily easier to make money there than on FoK and EP. Should these changes to considered to even the playing field?

 Moderator(s) Needed on PAA
1. Even with this PAA's easy format, some people cannot even obey the simplest of rules.

2. The editing team on FoK simply do not have the time to check the vast volume of submissions to make sure that they adhere to the PAA FAQs.
3. Utilize moderator(s) to review submissions for FAQ violations.

Equal Revenue Share Plans
1. PAA employs a simple to understand 75% revenue share plan.

2. FoK uses a more complicated average monthly post model that then allocates writers from 10% to 100% of the writer revenue dependent on their average. This system though controversial was instrumental in helping retrieve the lost sheep that had abandoned the sites for bluer pastures and reinvigorated some other dormant writers and even help active writers up their game. This resulted in a 19% increase published submission in the four months after its implementation vs the four prior to its implementation and October still has 8 1/2 days left,

3. However, the time has come to return FoK and EP back to a 75% revenue share program that competes on equal terms with PAA.

Similar Statistical Updates

1. Statistical updates need to provide the same information and it would be helpful to see those numbers side by side.

2. The last update showed FoK with a CPM $17.03 per 1000 views and PAA was at $9.59 per 1000 views. That is a stark comparison.

3.FoK updates also include unique views and show site revenue. PAA does not show this information. I believe if it did show this information it would help combat the notion that it is easier to earn money on PAA.

Equal Cashout Thresholds
1. FoK/EP should not have a higher cash out than PAA.

2. The Admin lowered the FoK cash out payment to a very reasonable $5.00.

3. However, when it is forced to compete with PAA's cash out of 1 cent, the playing field is not equal. The payment thresholds need to be identical.
Further, with a 1 cent threshold, it allows people who earned 50 cents on 45 views on a couple of hours action to spout that info as if it is meaningful and continue on with multiple ramblings such as this:
Though it is within the realm of possibility people on PAA are most likely not going to sustain payments of 50 cents for 45 views allowing people to speculate that if they would earn $5.00 for 450, $50.00 on 4,500, $500 for 45,000 5,000 and $50,000 for 450,000 and $50,000 views and that PAA is the place to earn a full-time income writing articles online.

Image Attribution: Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

Copyrighted and originally published on FullofKnowledge on October 23, 2013

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